Template Projects
In here you will find template project starter packs that will help you get a head start on your next writing session, each one will contain everything you need. Build upon what I've started or strip it apart to add your own unique sound.
The first starter pack drop contains everything you need to inspire your next writing session. I decided to go old school with some rave stabs, funky drums and a thick bassline.
This template has snappy drums and a rolling bassline with a few funky mid bass sounds thrown in here and there. The perfect starting point for a minimal funk track.
For this template I wanted to showcase how I duplicate Serum presets and separate the sub and mids. Take note of the differences between the two presets after the split to keep the sub mono and the mids still with space. There is also a gate setup from a percussion loop to trigger a pad instrument to turn it into a lead. I use this a lot for rhythmic elements and to create happy accidents in my writing process